Saturday, August 13, 2011

Angry birds owners take it to the next level

Seems like the owners of the worldwide popular mobile-game Angry Birds have a lot in common with their main characters, as they are also close to finding a big golden egg. The Finnish company Rovio is in deep talks with investors to receive funding that would value the company at about $1.2 billion, according to sources with knowledge of the discussions. The company needs the money to further expand her activities.

The company involved seems to be an entertainment company whose name couldn't immediately be determined. Seemingly notable is that until recently, Rovio declined similar offers from large institutional investors.

The Finns have expansion thoughts, and plan to make an Angry Birds movie, open offices outside Finland, and are seeking to capitalize on the popularity of its brand in countries such as China, by selling stuffed animals and clothing in 200 retail stores.

The aggressive eying birds already started spreading their wings carefully as earlier this month a cookbook named 'Bad piggies egg recipes' was released for sale. The recipe book focuses on the the antagonists of the Angry Birds games, the inexplicably green and spherical pigs with a hunger for eggs. As such, all the recipes within are egg-based.

Oh, and you are warned; go armed and protected to the book stores if you don't want to get hurt by angry bird attacks on your way there.

source:, chinadaily,

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